Fursonas/OCS in Furry Community

OwO what's this?

The challenge is getting stolen by basically everyone lol. I stole it from @GemLP and @togo91

The art of my OC is by @JaxX2010

I used his art because it looks better than my own lmao

this took WAY too long, anyway, raccoon sillies part 3

Redesigned a character I did art for, His name is Null!

He looks much better now.

Another redesign

My new fursona :3

(I fixed it bc the crystals at the right arms are misplaced, the unfixed version is at the end)

It's @BEAR_Faier Loonatics Unleashed sona hehe

Make sure to follow her!! <3

5-Arzion (yes thats his name)

My fursona kkk

His name is Alfie -w-

I will post him with colors later ig

I made a thing

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